
I always make sure we're a good fit

Every project begins with a thorough pre-production phase. I want to make sure that your songs are well-developed, that we’re on the same page about our objectives, and so on. Everything is made with purpose and intention, yet the process is kept as natural as possible.


I map out your personalized vision

Once we’ve finished building your masterpiece, I’d be happy to work on foundational practices, vision & promotional methods to ensure a successful release.  you’ll know exactly what you’ll need to complete your job… the timeline, the terms, and the process. everything will be obvious as a bell.  You’ll be welcomed into a worldwide network of award winning audio engineers and artists  who will share what’s working right now and support one another as they overcome challenges.


I support you as you grow

I want to be your friend, confidant & accomplice in creativity. I appreciate establishing a long-term professional relationship because of this. For artists, I’m willing to provide resources and assistance that go beyond just making music. I’m happy to come to a long-term agreement with professional producers, studios, managers, and labels that makes sense musically and financially.



Does working on our project need me to come to you?

To get your project completed perfectly to your needs and expectations, you don’t even need to travel to me. I’ve mastered the internet collaboration process to the point that both the artist and I find it simple. To work together and create something truly spectacular, you don’t need to be face-to-face.

What steps are involved? Where do we begin?

Filling out the project planner on my website is the first step in starting your project. This gives me a little background on you so I can fully understand the scope of your project, your needs, and your goals in order to decide how I may be of the most assistance to you. Following your submission of the form, I will send you an email requesting you to schedule a phone or Skype meeting so that we can discuss your project in greater depth. We talk about your goals, your schedule, budget, and what I could do to support you. I send out contracts and invoices whenever you are prepared to begin, and once those have been completed, we can move on to the exciting part. I always begin by sharing brief thoughts to determine what works well and what doesn’t. I can truly focus and start the mix, topline, or production after we have a solid foundation in place. I give you a short piece of the first draft. You provide suggestions, and I make changes in response. Upon receiving the go-ahead, I prepare a complete draft, which we then revise. Communication is crucial throughout the entire process, which makes it really collaborative. As soon as a project is completed, I email all necessary files & final invoices and then wait for the music to be published so I may share it with my fan base.  

What do you do?

In addition to producing music, I also write songs, mix and master records, and graphic design. I also dabble with making videos. If you need assistance with a project, let me know because I enjoy working on a variety of tasks. To demonstrate my abilities, I can give instances of related work that I have completed. I’m always willing to take on whatever has to be done.

How long does a project take?

Because every project is unique, it’s challenging to provide a precise turn around time. Some tasks take a day to complete, while others take a little longer. I’ll just state that I won’t waste your time by making your project take months to complete. I want to start projects almost as soon as they are scheduled and finish them as quickly as I can, always to the satisfaction of the artist.

Why should I go with you?

Although there are many music producers, most of whom can be found online, it’s challenging to find a producer, engineer, or writer that can provide remarkable results quickly and economically. I dislike considering the people I work with as merely my “clients.” We come together as a team. I don’t just want to produce a record and send them their way; I’m invested in their long-term success. I believe that the investment an artist and I make in one another creates a solid bond. I will go above and beyond to assist those I work with because I want to see them succeed, give them a solid record, let people know about them, assist them in getting blogs or playlists, etc. I do not want to simply make a record, pen a topline, or mix a single, then say goodbye to my artists.